Unique Value Propositions: Discover Your Own Unique Strength


By Todd Duncan

To operate your business in a unique fashion, you must discover your own uniqueness and the uniqueness of your company. Your unique value propositions must be linked to your unique strengths.

Passion and Belief

Successful salespeople have two things in common:

1. They are extremely passionate about what they do

2. They believe in their company’s products and service platforms and what their company stands for and represents.

Sales professionals with strong passion and belief tend to be operating in their strength zone, where work no longer feels like work. They are good at what they do, enjoy what the do, and are natural at what they do. The most successful sales professionals exploit 1-3 core strengths and build a team to handle everything else.

One is too small a number to achieve greatness.

To be a successful sales professional operating in your strength zone everyday, you must realize that you cannot do it all! Even if you have strong unique value propositions, without a team you won’t be able to share your unique value propositions with enough of the right people.

The 100% Question

Top sales professionals build their perfect day around their unique strengths. Ask yourself this question:

What would your life look like if you could spend 100% of your working day doing the things that give you the greatest joy and that produce the greatest economic impact on your business?

Your answer to the 100% Question is the source of your economic freedom. To be a successful sales professional, you must be great at selling and influencing people to use your services on a repeat basis. If you have a core strength in the area of influencing, or core tendencies that can be developed, you should divide your day as follows:

It is important that you do a strengths inventory so you understand which skill sets you already have and which skills you need to further develop.

Remember: All unique value propositions must be built around your strengths, passion, and beliefs. You can’t fake being unique. When your belief in your strength zones and your belief in your company merge with your unique value proposition, big success happens in your business.

Action Plan:

  • Complete a strength inventory anlysis (We recommend www.strengthsfinder.com) so that you can develop your Unique Value Proposition around your strengths.
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